So what is radiola?

In 95% of cases, a radiola is a tube radio with a vinyl player. In 5% - transient. And if the tube radio receiver does not have a record player, then it is just a radio receiver, not a radiola.

What do you do with radiolas?

We restore the technical part and make cosmetic repairs, keep all the factory functionality and add bluetooth. We restore a tube amplifier, a vinyl player, a radio receiver and speakers. We use high-quality radio components and new radio tubes. We don’t install cheap Chinese radio components - they are unreliable and unsafe and also greatly spoil the sound.

With respect to the product, we eliminate the traces of time on the case but retain the original appearance. If there are chips or cracks on the radiols that are economically and aesthetically impractical to clean, we warn about this before shipping and sending close-up photos.

Ok, why can't I just buy a radiola on ebay?

You can, but rather for decorative purposes. Many radiolas are already about 60 years old and without intervention, they no longer work “as they should” and are even unsafe. Factory radio components of already low quality in 100% of cases. This affects more than just sound. If the electricity in the radiolas does not “flow” correctly, the wires can melt, the transformers can overheat, and a short circuit can occur. It's definitely not worth the risk.

I have a radio. Can I give it to you for restoration?

You can. We have regulations for this work - we guarantee the technical restoration of the radiola, but we carry out the restoration of the hull only if the workshop has free time and according to a separate estimate.

Radiola won't ruin my records?

No, it won't spoil. We completely rebuild the turntable and during assembly, we adapt it to modern requirements - for example, we reduce the vibration and detonation coefficients. And we also put in a new pickup and needle and adjust the pressure of the needle on the plate. Okay, we do not recommend listening to collectible vinyl for a thousand euros, but all serial records are ok.

Is it possible to compare the radiolas with modern players?

If we are not talking about cheap Chinese suitcases, then to assemble a decent home system with vinyl, you will need a turntable, amplifier and preamp, and speakers.

All of these are easy to buy, but it is crucial to choose the components so that together they sound good. In stereo radios, parts were made to match: engineers calculated and tested everything in specially built acoustic rooms.

Is there a delivery?

Yes, we deliver radiolas worldwide.

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